Read CEJ Online

April 2011


This issue of the Christian Educators Journal again offers reviews of a range of books that may be of interest to educators [...]

You Are Not a Gadget

“You are not a gadget “is the manifesto of Jaron Lanier, written last year in response to the way that the Internet [...]

When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor … and Yourself

Over the course of the past decade there has been a remarkable increase in awareness of global poverty issues. While this awareness [...]

The Universe Next Door

For over thirty years Dr. James Sire’s The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog has pressed upon readers the weight of [...]

The Next Christians: Six Ways to Restore the Faith

Whenever I have an opportunity to talk about the Bible for the first time with a group of students, I often start [...]

White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son

There are some things that Tim Wise would like to put on the table right now. Our success is not determined solely [...]

To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World

James Davison Hunter has a way of ruffling feathers, not only outside the Christian community, but also within it. His recently published [...]

Journeys of the Muslim Nation and the Christian Church

My career as a history teacher began in 1970. Scholars at that time viewed medieval through modern history through the prism of [...]

Top Ten Books (Not about Teaching) to Renew You This Summer (According to One Book Lover, Anyway)

I am always amazed when I hear about teachers who belong to book clubs during the school year. My amazing wife, who [...]

Some Books for Help with Special Students

Question 1 I was aiding at a school where a student’s parents were in denial about their child’s disabilities. It was obvious [...]

Of Empowering Stories and Assertive Squirrels

I woke up early this cold morning, shivering as thoughts surged around in my head. Reflecting on my late-night reading, I could [...]

Reading Suggestions for Christian Educators

January 6, 2011 Al Boerema starts the conversation: Hello people, The theme of the next issue is books that all Christian educators [...]