April 2014
Editorial This issue once again offers our readers a number of suggestions of good books to read over the course of the upcoming [...] Review Foreign Languages for Everyone As a teacher in training at Calvin College in 2004, I had the opportunity to work as a tutor for the French [...] Review In my twenty-five years of teaching, I have learned a few things about students: their natural ability is not a substitute for [...] Review Christians have responded to the theory of evolution in a multitude of ways. Some saw conflict between the scriptures and the theory. [...] Review I will admit that I initially did not intend to read the book Shaping a Digital World: Faith, Culture, and Computer Technology. [...] Article Top Ten Books for This Summer to Remind You What Rocks About Reading 1. Fleischman, Paul. Whirligig. New York: Macmillan, 1998. My friend Kim has recently returned to the joy of reading. This one is especially [...] Review This century hosts one of the first generations—according to the late Arnold Toynbee—that does not deliberately teach morality and ethics to children [...] Review Evans, Rachel Held. Evolving in Monkey Town: How a Girl Who Knew All the Answers Learned the Ask the Questions. Grand Rapids, [...] P@nel.edu Reading Suggestions for Teachers and Their Students In keeping with the theme of this month’s issue, John Walcott asked the panel members to recommend some of their favorite books [...] Column For most, reading is a pleasurable skill that is acquired almost imperceptibly. I’ve heard it’s like waking up one morning suddenly knowing [...] Slouching Toward Bedlam The Reports of the Death of the Book Have Been Greatly Exaggerated, or Kleinhut Defeats Dewey “He’s not going to get away with it this time!” Librarian Jon Kleinhut was so angry his ear hairs were standing straight [...]