Get Out There In the summer of my sophomore year of high school, I took a trip to New York City with my school’s theatre […]
Slowing Your Roll I love being in the classroom. It’s wonderful when the bell rings, the seats fill up, and I can once again transport […]
Two Weeks in January: The Challenges and Benefits of Student Travel Two Travel Stories As a fairly new, still-unmarried teacher nearly twenty years ago, I was ecstatic when offered the chance to help […]
Experiencing the Wonder of BC: A Full-School Experiential Educational Approach This fall my school, Bulkley Valley Christian School (BVCS), embarked on a new approach to experiential learning. Our plan involved sending each […]
There and Back: Living & Learning Abroad by Donald G. De Graaf Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges— Something lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you. […]
The Teacher as Traveler For most of us, the term traveler evokes imagery of journey and voyage, but as the etymology of the term viator clarifies, […]