Singing with Jesus: Embracing an Ancient Musical Form of Psalm-singing in the Classroom Worship Education through Music For many students, worship is more caught than taught both in the church context and the classroom setting. […]
Chapel in the Time of COVID In my second year of being the point person for coordinating chapels at the institution I work for, I finally felt like […]
Sacred Space: Responding to God’s Presence We live in a noisy world that seems determined to capture the attention and hearts of children. Noise is ubiquitous! Canned music […]
Becoming Peculiar Teachers Early on in our implementation of Teaching for Transformation (TfT), it became apparent that the journey was as much about the transformation […]
Student-Led Worship and Faith Formation The bell rings for lunch, and the students stream out of their classrooms. As I make my way from my office to […]
Chapel Planning and Leading: What We Are Learning from Christian Schools In the unique setting of Christian schools, how do children and young people learn to worship? In what ways do they connect […]