Write for CEJ

Are you interested in writing for CEJ?

Christian Educators Journal is soliciting submissions for the 2024–2024 volume and would love to hear the perspectives of Christian educators from across North America and the world.

Below are the issue themes and deadlines for October 2024, December 2024, February 2025 and April 2025. If you’re intrigued, want more information, or have an article you’d like to pitch, please contact me any time: cejeditor@gmail.com.

CEJ aims to walk the line between academic journal and resource magazine. We welcome your research-based papers about best practices as well as your stories about specific units or programs at your school. Articles are typically 1500-2000 words and go through two editors on their way to publication. Check out our author guidelines for more information.

Thanks for your help in making CEJ a practical and inspiring tool for Christian teachers worldwide.

October 2024—Music

Kurt Vonnegut once quipped that he’d like his tombstone to read: “The only proof he needed for the existence of God was music.” In this issue, we’ll explore the ways that music is taught, shared, and enjoyed in Christian schools. Music teachers of all levels: What techniques are you using with your students right now that you love? How do you convince students to practice? Tell us a great story about a recent concert experience. Defend the teaching of classical music or pop music or anything in between. Chapel leaders: What does your school’s worship time look like? What songs do students love to sing? How do you teach new songs to the student body? Classroom teachers: How do you use music in your lessons? To set the mood? To bring a historical era to life? To help students memorize verb tenses or states of matter? In this issue, we’ll share stories about the power of music, exchange tips and techniques, and celebrate some of our favorite songs. This issue welcomes narrative or personal pieces about the way music influences our lives and faith as well as practical, philosophical, or research-based articles.

Proposals due June 21, 2024 (informal—just send us an email explaining your idea). Articles due July 22, 2024.

Classroom Management—December 2024

We’ve all had that class. The one that can’t sit still after lunch. The one that can’t stop talking. The one where a single student can derail an entire lesson. Classroom management can make or break a teacher’s school year, but sometimes it feels like an x-factor—you either have it or you don’t. In this issue, we’ll especially rely on veteran teachers and those with strong management skills to let us know what’s working right now. What strategies do you employ? How do you create mutual respect in your classroom? What do you do when a student is damaging the learning environment? Has your management changed as you work with Generations Z and Alpha, who were particularly affected by the COVID interruption? Does your school have a building-wide behavior management system? Are there technology tools that can help?  How do you celebrate good behavior? How do you build relationships with students? As the second half of the school year approaches, we’re looking for ways to reset our classroom expectations and create spaces where all students can learn—and teachers can hear ourselves think.

Proposals due August 26, 2024 (informal—just send us an email explaining your idea). Articles due September 23, 2024.

Field Trips and Travel—February 2025

Experiences outside of the classroom often create some of our students’ strongest memories. As adults, we may even remember an elementary school field trip to a local farm or an overnight senior trip to another city. What are your school’s traditions surrounding field trips or more extensive travel with students? Where do you go and why? What connections have you made with local organizations or businesses? How do you recruit additional chaperones? Who handles transportation? Is there a budget for these trips, or are students asked to contribute? Does Christian school travel look different than that of public schools? What service opportunities do you build into trips? How do you make field trips accessible for all students? In this issue, we look forward to hearing about the ways you make great learning happen outside the walls of a classroom.

Proposals due October 18, 2024 (informal—just send us an email explaining your idea). Articles due November 18, 2024.

Resource Review — April 2025

Each year we highlight the best books, films, websites, teaching tools, and other resources for Christian school teachers. We publish reviews of student-facing material (like which books to stock in your classroom library), as well as materials relevant to school staff (like curricula or books about teaching). Articles may focus on one text or may be written in a list style featuring multiple texts around a particular theme.

Proposals (informal—just send us an email explaining your idea) are due December 29. Articles are due January 29.

Please check our Submission Guidelines