As many school principals can attest, much wisdom can be found in drawing on the expertise of an entire school team when it comes to better supporting our students, especially those who exhibit challenging behaviors. When we put our heads together and discuss plans that could work, we share past experiences, training, or helpful books. This often sheds light exactly where it’s needed. Such a conversation took place for me some months ago when I chatted with our school counselor about a certain student. Our counselor mentioned an author, Dr. Ross Greene, whose books had impacted her work with children in significant ways.
As a result, I am currently reading Lost at School and have come to appreciate the approach Greene advocates: solving problems collaboratively with the students themselves. His work is based on his years of experience as a child psychologist and parent.
John Sawatzky is the elementary (K–6) campus principal at Calvin Christian School in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.