February 2010
Editorial For those of us who are involved in Christian education every day, a discussion about why we do what we do may [...] Feature Courageous, Compelling and Coherent Christian Education: Living the Biblical Story When a Christian family is choosing a school for their child, what factors do they consider? To what do we as Christian [...] Feature Christian Schooling: A Spiritual Act of Worship For many years, Romans 12:1–2 has been for me one of the key texts of scripture. So it surprised me when I [...] Feature Christian Education: It is about the Children This article is adapted from a devotional presented at the annual general meeting of the Ontario Alliance of Christian Schools in November, [...] Article How I Came to Christian Education and What Teaching Christianly Means to Me I’ve always joked that I landed my first teaching job in a Christian high school because I had supper with my sister-in-law’s [...] Article A Practical Approach to Christian Teaching: One Million Helpful Tips The following list is in random order, allowing the reader to create opinions easily and to glean any wisdom quickly. 1. Be [...] Article Imagine you are with the same group of people during thirteen very impressionable years of your life. They influence your thinking for [...] Column Question 1 Why can’t we operate like other schools and just teach rather than having to put so much time into this [...] Column A Unique Opportunity for Teachers One of the latest initiatives some Christian Schools in British Columbia, Canada, are building into their school’s vision and operational goals is [...] From My Window Honking Geese, Ploughs and a Teapot: A Vision for Christian Education Last November on a beautiful, sunny Sunday, my husband and I went for a long, leisurely walk through the fields. We heard [...] Slouching Toward Bedlam Be Thou My Vision Statement—Or: A Mission Is as Good as a Mile Jan Kaarsvlam recently emailed the CEJ board to discover why he was not given the position of editor. He has learned, much [...]