October 2010
Editorial Some years ago I came across an intriguing student/parent handbook from a Christian school. In addition to the regular and expected content [...] Feature Restorative Practice in the Christian Context: A Whole-School Approach Restorative practice is gaining momentum in schools and other settings around the world. The increasing development of restorative practice as a field [...] Feature What is it about the gospel that can bring a healing voice to what is called “discipline” in schools? Part of the [...] Feature Restorative Justice: Faithful and Fair I am sure we can all remember playing “school” when we were younger. At a very young age, children act out what [...] Article Prior to coming to Covenant College in 2004, my wife and I worked in a Christian school for twenty-three years. For the [...] Article For years I have been intrigued by the concept of restorative justice. My first encounter with this concept came from the movie [...] Article The Bible is filled with stories of transgressions and a Creator who longs to give opportunities to restore what has gone wrong. [...] Article I am ready to interview a new student. The child is five, tall for her age, but the parents have requested an [...] Column Question 1 What do you do with a student in your class who is a disorganized mess, constantly distracted in class, and [...] Column World Cup soccer has highlighted the nation of South Africa. Less well known is how South Africa’s turbulent racial history and its [...] P@nel.edu How Can Christian Educators Practice Restorative Justice? May 14, 2010 Al Boerema raises the issue: As Christian schools continue to explore ways to become places of shalom and to [...] Slouching Toward Bedlam Just Desserts, or Crime and … Restorative Justice? For our newer readers: “Slouching toward Bedlam” is a fictional column written by an imaginary columnist, Jan Karsvlaam. Bedlam Christian School is [...]