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October 2010


Some years ago I came across an intriguing student/parent handbook from a Christian school. In addition to the regular and expected content [...]

Restorative Practice in the Christian Context: A Whole-School Approach

Restorative practice is gaining momentum in schools and other settings around the world. The increasing development of restorative practice as a field [...]

Becoming Communities of Grace

What is it about the gospel that can bring a healing voice to what is called “discipline” in schools? Part of the [...]

Restorative Justice: Faithful and Fair

I am sure we can all remember playing “school” when we were younger. At a very young age, children act out what [...]

Restorative Discipline

Prior to coming to Covenant College in 2004, my wife and I worked in a Christian school for twenty-three years. For the [...]

Restorative Living Projects

For years I have been intrigued by the concept of restorative justice. My first encounter with this concept came from the movie [...]

Journey to Bethlehem

The Bible is filled with stories of transgressions and a Creator who longs to give opportunities to restore what has gone wrong. [...]

Finding a Voice in Truth-Telling and Reconciliation: Helping Children Find Their Voice in Hard Circumstances

I am ready to interview a new student. The child is five, tall for her age, but the parents have requested an [...]

Disciplining Students

Question 1 What do you do with a student in your class who is a disorganized mess, constantly distracted in class, and [...]

Lessons in Restorative Justice Coming to Canada from South Africa: Bishop Desmond Tutu and the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”

World Cup soccer has highlighted the nation of South Africa. Less well known is how South Africa’s turbulent racial history and its [...]

How Can Christian Educators Practice Restorative Justice?

May 14, 2010 Al Boerema raises the issue: As Christian schools continue to explore ways to become places of shalom and to [...]

Just Desserts, or Crime and … Restorative Justice?

For our newer readers: “Slouching toward Bedlam” is a fictional column written by an imaginary columnist, Jan Karsvlaam. Bedlam Christian School is [...]