The Teacher as Adventurer

When I think about teaching as an adventure, I cannot help but recall the year our high school wind ensemble set out […]

Teacher Talk

You don’t need a calendar to know that school is back in session. Campuses across the country are freshly manicured, halls are […]

The Teacher as Guide

When Jon Krakauer published Into Thin Air about the Everest disaster of 1996, the world suddenly became interested in Mount Everest and […]

The Teacher as Refugee

My experience in education has been colorful. My formation as an educator began as a North American transplanted to and growing up […]

The Teacher as Pilgrim

In 2012, when Emilio Estevez released his film, The Way, many people began to talk about walking on the Camino de Santiago. […]

The Teacher as Tourist

We have all met tourists. Tourists are the people we see with fanny packs and cameras around their necks; they usually stick […]

The Teacher as Traveler

For most of us, the term traveler evokes imagery of journey and voyage, but as the etymology of the term viator clarifies, […]